Union Conmed Corporation was
established in 1993 and mainly
provides service and operating
room consumables to hospitals.
Here we have more than 460
hospitals as faithful customers
spread China. There are 42
professional representatives
spread China supply technology
guidance and after sale
services, which details
including: explaining
technologies and products
training, initial installation
and periodical maintenance.
Union Conmed Corporation has
offices in Beijing, Shanghai,
Chengdu, Shenzhen. In order to
introducing more advance
products to China, In order to
accelerate high quality medical
equipments enter Chinese market,
we have dedicated staff response
for handling SDA registration.
Our staff response for
translation and printing work
for these products promotion,
and participate regularly in
medical equipments fairs and
academic conferences.
In the future, we will still
concentrate on servicing our
customers with advanced
technologies as well as
qualified products.Supplying
high quality products to Chinese
market is our task. Union Conmed
Corporation's main mission is to
provide one-stop-shop platform
to our customers with variety of
medical equipments.
在1973年,纽约成立了联合医疗设备有限公司。第一种产品是ECG监护电极。当时,在美国医疗护理的历史上,电极市场成为新兴的产业。随着Conmed 康美公司的不断发展,产品种类也随之增加,1981年Conmed 康美公司开始用接地负极板和刀笔来拓展市场。1989年,Conmed 康美公司从Bristol
Myers Squibb购买了Aspen
Labs,从而使Conmed 康美公司成为电外科手术市场上一个有利的竞争者。在20世纪90年代,Conmed 康美公司兼并了若干生产ECG电极和氩气刀的发明者Birtcher公司。在1997年,Conmed 康美公司兼并了生产关节内窥镜产品和矫形外科设备产品的
今天,Conmed 康美公司正在美国本土6个不同的地区的8个工厂生产上万种产品:关节内窥镜、矫形外科设备、电外科手术设备、内窥镜设备和病人护理设备。
随着科技的进步和发展,以及2500个员工和世界范围的分销商的共同努力,Conmed 康美公司将在成立36年后的今天继续努力,加强医疗用品的设计、生产和营销,从而生产出高质量的产品。